animation: Lisa Roberts
Sydney 2008
words and drawings:
Yoris Everearts, Kim Holton,
Christine McMillan, John Smith
Sydney 2008
Max Eastley, Arctic 2005
Courtesy David Buckland, Cape Farewell
Artists drew and wrote,
imagining Antarctica.
They drew and wrote
before and after
moving to sounds from the ice.
C.M. Space, Relationships
K.H. Connectedness fusion oneness
C.M. Architectural lines
J.S. Totemic form
Y.E. Totemic form with spiral
I like the way you have picked up
the quality of line, in my marks.
I was very aware of experimenting with the pencil
to try and explore it's range of marks.
Love the variety of line you picked up,
the contrast between each of our marks,
then the joining of all out work together.
Your addition of fade and the movement,
the growing of the line, the creation,
is great it leaves lines in my mind.
Christine McMillan
Kandos, NSW, 9 July 2008
I have the sound of the animation in the background.
It reminds me of being cold and on watch
at 2:00am on a small semi-disabled yacht in the Atlantic
with the wind mounting and the others asleep.
I like the way the marks overlap
like things barely seen
through mist and rain
or even tears.
Simon Pockley
Melbourne, 9 July 2008