Artist: Karin Beaumont

Masked minutae Illusion[2007]
Acrylic, sterling silver

155 X 20 X 8 mm
Exhibitions: Jun-Jul 2007 'Art of the Ocean'

Bay Discovery Centre, South Australia

The Design Centre, Launceston

Handmark Gallery, Hobart





This series was created
from digital photographs
taken of my silver jewellery works
inspired by microscopic marine life.
Whole images or digital 'thumbnails'
were combined with acrylic
to give depth to the images
as if viewed from the surface of the ocean.
When viewed from an angle,
the image is slightly distorted,
similar to the distortion of objects
viewed through water.
The works thereby create
an 'illusion' of the image.
They are also 'illusions' of my silver works:
images impregnated in a non-precious material
(acrylic), designed to query the notion of status
associated with jewellery.



Karin Beaumont, Tasmania 2007









