Antarctic Dictionary




ice cap

The thick continuous layer of ice covering the antarctic continent; occas. (generally sci) the smaller ice cover - in the form of a dome-shaped glacier - of an antarctic or subantarctic land mass.

1993 Fothergill, Alastair Life in the freezer: a natural history of the antarctic BBC Books, London: 191.

The two ice caps of East and West Antarctica between them cover 14 million square kilometers. Nowhere else on Earth can make people feel so totally insignificant as this high polar plateau.

1995 The Advertiser [Adelaide] 25 Mar: 7.

The ice cap covers the continent like a giant wedding cake and is about 2 km thick. It contains 70 per cent of the world's fresh water and if all of it melted away sea levels would rise by between 36 m and 90 m.

The Antarctic Dictionary, Hince, 2000; 177



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