Memories is an animation being made from seeing an Antarctic krill, Euphasia superba, emerging from its egg, and from information from Drs Steve Nicols and So kawaguchi, at the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD).
The animation will grow as my understanding grows, from closer observation of microscopic images taken during their development, and memories of watching them move as I drew them, swimming in tanks at the AAD.
Their development from egg to adult is a kind of choreography.
Hi Lisa,
That’s really good.
There are 2 points that I would like to make.
1) Wiggling of the eggs look perfect, however, it should be upside down given the direction they hatch out.
2) I just realised that from furcilia onwards, the order of stages are wrong and adult is appearing in the middle and ending up with one still showing larval feature. The animation is a bit to fast so I cannot exactly advice you the right order, but it should be corrected.
Otherwise, great!
Hi so,
Thanks for for further advice.
I can turn the wiggling of the eggs around the other way, to match the direction they hatch out.
I had a feeling there was one image out of sequence towards the end.
I will fix these things.
lovely, great music, so much joy in this curious creature!
Hi Lisa,
That’s great. You maybe able to make a couple of more improvements, if you like.
1) I think “developmental ascent” rather than “dirnal migration” is accurate. If yo like you may put “developmental descent” for the period before they hatch out.
2) Yes, you are missing Furcilia VI, and another one if you are to finish up with adult krill.
Thanks So,
I will look into this.