To animate changes observed and experienced in an Antarctic landscape, words have been selected from Jack Ward’s 1955-56 Mawson journal.
Words groups have been arranged in chronological order (from January 1955 to March 1956), to provide a structure for composing 12 animated gestures (300×200 animated gif files).
I don’t have to use every word in each group.
And, I could do many variations from just three words from one group, eg. glow, rise, disappear.
Can you respond to key some of these words in sound or word phrases?
I am exploring ways to make art that connect s its viewers with an experience of Antarctic landscape through a year.
I am exploring ways for the three of us to connect with and respond to an experience of Antarctic landscape.
As Jack says, I am collecting a bank of elements with which to compose an animated film.
The bank can also be drawn upon by all of us for other purposes.
It’s a community arts project!
It’s sharing our stuff.
(bird) cry
breathe; appear; disappear; glow; rise; radiate
sharpen; break; freeze
stagger; stumble; glisten; fume; huff; tease; scrape; aggravate
shade; lower; streak; thin; refract
bluster; drift; machinate; tear; blind; blur; slither; rustle
hiss; hasten; scratch; fling; beat; clutch; wail; cover
mask; swamp; infest; worry; annoy; release
soften; squint; see; shine; carve; drape; entice
threaten; disorient; vaporise
feather; shade; tinge; clarify
unfold; will; still; form; meet
churn; tremble; pulse; penetrate
savage; rear; plunge; lurch
slip; trickle; melt; sheathe
touch; fringe; crust; rattle
squark; ruffle; pair; bathe; dive; peep; press
retard; isolate; stare; lengthen; perpetuate
vary; patten; sear; flash
reach; hollow; break; crack
blow; crunch; powder; mush; decay
tease; pump; groan; refuge
extend; intensify; recede
vein; calve; wedge; stick
blast; free; pass; stretch; calm
perfect; jumble; heave; mull; lengthen; enclose
hammer; thud; drown; breathe
(bird) cry