Philippe Boissonnet


Philippe Boissonnet (Montreal, Canada)

Philippe Boissonnet was born in France in 1957, moved to Montreal in 1982 and, since then, work in Quebec, Canada. He is currently a full-time professor in Arts at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières. In 1983, he won the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation prize for drawing and has been also recipient of the Shearwater Foundation for the Holographic Arts Prize in 1998, and of the International Biennal of Nagoya (Japan) Recommendation Prize in 1997.

His artsitic field of interest gradually developed to include the new technologies (holography, copigraphy, digital photography) in two-dimensional and installations works. Since 1983 he has been involved in a number of group and individual exhibitions, both on the national and international level. He is presently part of a group show dealing with questions about climate changes over the Antartica with the artists Andrea Juan (Buenos Aires) and Lorraine Beaulieu (Trois-Rivières) at the Art Gallery of the University of Québec in Trois-Rivières.