Narrative truth


Can animation be used to reveal resonances between those who have experienced the same landscapes?
[These may be experienced vicariously, through responses of others.]

Whilst I am not practicing Autoethnography (I am not setting out to define or analyse such a thing as an Antarctic culture), this method throws up some interesting ideas about the kind of truth that can be found in other people’s responses to a place, and the resonances – or recognition – that can be felt between those who have experienced similar things.

Narrative Truth

When talking about their lives, people lie sometimes, forget a lot, exaggerate, become confused, and get things wrong. Yet they are revealing truths. These truths don’t reveal the past “as it actually was”, aspiring to a standard of objectivity. They give us instead the truths of our experiences. (Devault 261)..



Donald Blumenfeld-Jones, professor of Ethics and Education, defines resonance as the sense of commonality existing between an audience member’s life-experience and [. . .] the teller’s narrative(32)…

Ref. Devault, Marjorie L. ‘Personal Writing in Social Research’.
Blumenfeld-Jones Donald. ‘Fidelity as a Criterion for Practicing and Evaluating Narrative Inquiry’. Life History and Narrative. Eds. J.A. Hatch and R. Wisniewski. London: Falmer, 1995.

Wikipedia: Autoethnography