Meeting with John Hughes this afternoon (by phone) he offered some good suggestions:
Play with the animated alphabet.
Something I’d thought to do, but he’s given me ideas that seem possible to do on the main website.. play with words, and images, in different contexts.
Play with sequencing material in different ways (as in film editing)
Find ways to animate the database.
Simon had suggested this but I have still not found a way.
Choose a metaphor as the focus for the thesis.
I have already chosen layers – of ice and sediments – as different memories and perspectives.
He suggested the idea of things frozen in time – and to use the freezing of ice as a metaphor – how water moves around freely, and connects to things, and then when it freezes, things are locked up – contained – as ideas get contained within a thesis.
We discussed Freud and Jung, and how Cognitive Behaviour Therapy has superseded psycho-analysis as a framework for understanding the unconscious.
He understood my planesphere – an object for animating symbols, representing connections we have made with Antarctic landscape.
Perceptions of the Arctic have been shaped by unconscious imaginings of Gothic fiction writers, and Freud.
Perceptions of Antarctica were once shaped by self-conscious heroism.
Perceptions of both Poles are now shaped more by conscious open questioning of art and science.