Liz Lerman’s Method of Critical Response



Method of Critical Response

Here is a discussion about the possibility of an on-line questionnaire modeled on a method developed by choreographer Liz Lerman:


Whilst I can see the value of Lerman’s method for peer review in a face-to-face studio environment, I am not convinced this is appropriate for open on-line review of Antarctic animations. What do you think?

I have been struggling with how to make it easy for people to say what they REALLY think about my work, without feeling like they might offend me, to elicit useful information that will help me understand what works and what doesn’t work in the animations, to connect people with Antarctica.

This is one of the “dissatisfactions and dilemmas” that Lerman describes as helping to get to the heart of a creative problem. I feel that now and am excited by the possibilities arising from reflecting on my dissatisfactions and dilemmas – both in terms of analysing and creating. This is material to write about and make work about.

Lerman advocates that an artist learns to pose such questions, as a way of them getting to the heart of the matter in her work. Learning to ask very specific questions to about individual aspects of an animation, rather than simply inviting people to comment is a key. Fine-tuning the questions helps to fine-tune my understanding of the effects of the work on observers. This process allows me to reflect more closely on what I have made. It helps me to see it more objectively.

What other methods of review are there that might be useful for my purpose?