Expanding perceptions 2


Photo by J. Brokowski
© Commonwealth of Australia

Book launch

The health of Antarctic wildlife: a challenge for science policy, is the result of ten years of work collecting information about the health of the Southern Ocean. Edited by AAD scientists Dr Martin Riddle and Dr Knowles Kerry (retired), the book

provides a broad assessment of disease and other threats to the health of Antarctic birds and seals, with a focus on ensuring that our presence in Antarctica does not add to the natural challenges faced by these animals.

(Launch notes, Thurdsay 20 May 2010, AAD at Taronga Zoo, Sydney)

This work involved the sharing and communication of information between scientists from around the world.

A gathering at the launch in the Taronga Zoo’s Great Southern Oceans precinct included Minister Peter Garret, AAD Director Lyn Maddock, and fellow Antarctic researchers. The book is aimed at policy makers to ensure that ‘our presence in Antarctica does not add to the natural challenges faced by these animals’. As such it contributes to changing perceptions of Antarctica from a place to exploit to a place to protect.