Call for artists

Email from artRiot:

Think your art can change the world? *Get your art in. People will remember the night the riot started.*

We are seeking art from Sydney-based artists that can change people’s lives
and help to create radical social change for a better future.

Expressions of interest are now open for an interactive, multidisciplinary
exhibition at the Tap Gallery in September 2010.

artRiot is looking for radical works: the exhibition is not targeted at
working families and it’s not a feel-good campaign. It’s about meaningful
art that is honest, uncompromising and dangerous in a way that dares
audiences to believe in a radically different world. Any art form is fair
game: music, fashion, sculpture, photography, fashion, crafting, graffiti,
tattooing, painting, poetry or any other form of creative expression.

We know that art can change the world – from Peter Dombrovski’s pivotal
photograph of the Franklin River to the music at the heart of the struggle
against the apartheid in South Africa. We’re asking contemporary Sydney
artists to show how their art is creating radical social change.
Round one expressions of interest close May 31st. The exhibition will run
at the Tap Gallery in Darlinghurst from the 20th September to the 3rd
October. Submit your ideas here: For
more information check the website or email

Please forward to friends, comrades and conspirators.