I have completed a new arrangement of the animation, ENERGIES. This one reveals physical and biological energies that together shape Antarctica: krill, diatoms, seals, humans, bottom water circulation, the circumpolar current, ice melting, and sea levels rising.
My aim is to suggest the reciprocity that exists between all living things and the natural world.
This arrangement is for screening at the 3rd GLOBEC International Open Science Meeting – 22 – 26 June 2009, Victoria, BC, Canada.
The 3rd and final GLOBEC Open Science Meeting is entitled “Marine ecosystems: from function to prediction” and will focus on the overall objective of GLOBEC of “providing a new mechanistic understanding of the functioning of the marine ecosystem, in order to develop predictive capabilities and propose a framework for the management of marine ecosystems in the era of global change”.
More information about this and other conferences organised by the Scientific Committee on Scientific Research (SCAR) is available online at: http://www.scar.org/events/
The animation sequence is a shock wave file that is too large to include on this website. It it a development of the sequence, Energies, with extra sounds and more recent animations added. It also has Title, Introduction and Credit sequences. I have set it to play on a loop for screening continuously between sessions at the conference.
I posted the file to the scientist who is organising its screening. He will project it from his laptop computer alongside poster presentations being prepared by scientists.
This conference will provide a new audience for my work.
Because I consciously composed the arrangement for a scientific audience, my focus was mostly on objective information. This suggests another arrangement, of subjective RESPONSES to Antarctica. This arrangement will include some of the same animations as ENERGIES, but with different sounds and voices. There are also animation not included in ENERGIES that are more appropriate as RESPONSES.
When viewed one after the other, ENERGIES and RESPONSES will suggest that we can view the same things in different ways. These ways can range between objective observation and subjective response.