
He rode home from the emergency ward on his bike,

It had been weird seeing him there
in the hospital bed,
not allowed anywhere,
tubes going everywhere.

He had gone to extremes,
an old expeditioner
still at it.

You must be familiar with these places,
and their strangeness,
people hovering in some sick versions of themselves,
waiting for change.


I thought I was on to something,
that something had gelled.

I am beset,
stuck in a white coat
introspecting and dissecting
with scissors and glue.

You know.

Living is the real art.


Here’s a link to an animated version.


One Reply to “beset”

  1. John Hughes wrote:

    >> Lisa

    Fine cut and paste away, like an ice breaker removing sections of ice but then going back to re arrange the ice blocks in some new and different ice shelf. Arrr the animations one could do with 50,000 ton ships.

    >> Very nice, I particularly liked the range of movement and time textures and in this one (see the link above to the animated version of the poem) …it was long enough to get a fix on the progression. Did you see my post to the previous animation.

    >> I woke in the middle of the night about two or three weeks ago and went Paul Winkler it’s Paul bloddy Winkler. The animator whose name escaped me as being a big influence …………. hmmmm

    >> JH

    Paul Winkler is the landscape animator from Melbourne, whose name John was trying to remember when last we spoke.

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Posted on Friday, August 3rd, 2007