Lynden’s contributions to the Seeding Treaties project are art works and ideas developed in conversation with co-creators, for telling stories through her languages of gesture, photography and poetry, of creatures and their lands and waterways.
Lynden writes,
My work has been wonderfully varied, stimulating and fun. I was the dance specialist at the Melbourne Zoo for fifteen years, have performed on trapezes in California, as a roast chicken at the Art Gallery of Ballarat, performed as a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo with Dance Works, amongst Rodin sculptures at the National Gallery, with Theatre of the Ordinary in many improvised productions and festivals. My teaching has included two decades of lecturing at the University of Melbourne at both the undergraduate and post graduate levels and at both the TAFE and Higher Education divisions of the Arts Academy of the University of Ballarat.
My extensive background in and passion for movement has led me on to my current absorption in photography. Dance has given me an eye for composition and the interplay of space and light. I have always been engaged by the natural world. In dance this led me to the development of Animotions, my animal based movement style and technique. In my photography a love of nature reveals itself in images of shapes, textures and forms along rivers and waterways.